Though I will agree to the story you've told in that cartoon. Thats how some kids are now-a-days. Production is what drives us ppl don't become the lambs to the slaughter.
please forgive your useless sister.
Joined on 2/27/05
Though I will agree to the story you've told in that cartoon. Thats how some kids are now-a-days. Production is what drives us ppl don't become the lambs to the slaughter.
ain't it sad ;'((((((((
i wish i went 2 comik con so dat i kud bet u up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wtf ok seriously I LOVED your work but now you're just submitting crappy animations to prove your hatred over someone. WHY do you hate Egoraptor so much that you have to waste your time making animations about him? I want to see you make some fricken Project Freetown episodes not some "OMG I MAEK FUN OF EGORAPTOR LOLOL" crap. If you really don't care about him then you wouldn't be giving him all this attention and instead be working on something that's worth your time.
Btw why are you attacking him for selling DVD's? AFAIK he's not submitting "demos" on NG but full episodes from his collection (even if it is rather short). I would understand if he started submitting trailers saying, "BUY MY DVD TO SEE THE NEXT 5 MINUTES!!!" but he's not doing that. If someone wants to sell their comedy then why not? Would you attack someone from the Audio Portal who got signed to a record label and started selling albums? Everyone has to make money somehow.
the cartoon doesn't once mention egoraptor so i can't see where you're coming from BUT OK!!!!!!!!!!
God I love you rtil.
PS I think it's awesome that Freetown is on the Newgrounds poster at comic con.
it is pretty cool!!!!
in my eyes your just as bad as egoraptor >.> instead of creating "original content" you just bash at what you hate ..... like this "amag somebody madez a VG parody.. ill just make sumthin easier! VG parody hate flash! AMAG BRILLIANT!...." my eyes you are just making something with even less effort egoraptor did in the start-_-
ye d00d ur so rite this is like deep man ^_^
thats great and all but hows about some more freetown?
lol front page.... for rehashed shit..
you mustve shook your ass in toms face, :)
this is a good flash but it aint front pag worthy
wow mindchamber you tell 'em bro sock it to 'em
what the guy above me said >.>
Hey rtil thanks for completely ignoring my argument and pulling the innocent card. :)
You may have a talent in animating but your rotten personality and hate stands out a lot more.
aaaaaaand you just pulled the presumptious irrational i-know-what-you're-like-in-real-l ife-even-though-i've-never-met-yo u card gg!!!
^ no rtil's awesome mr dorak. YOU ARE THE MEAN ONE :O OMGWHAT?
haha, that top front page slot must be reserved for resubs! :D gratz
Hey look even rtil has blind little fanboys! :D
Go on and support his every move cuz he's like zomg so cool ok?
To Mindchamber:
If Egoraptor can do it, why not Rtil?
About as far as you can compare the two
Ones just making a satire
And ones just selling out, which would be expected by someone whos effort matches his integrity.
Im gay
i love it how when you submitted your cartoon by itself with some narration at the beginning and still images the score of that flash is so much higher than that of the collab it was in
bug predicted it
Solid Snake fun tokens..... Sounds like my kind of thing. mmmmmm icecream TASTEY.
Oh yeah, way to steal the mushroom joke from AshfordPride's "Awesome Grounds" flash and give him no credit what so ever...
My bad coolmonkey I had no idea he resubmitted it because ego did,
I didnt even know ego did that till you mentioned him, I guess I need to follow egos moves as closely as you do..
in either case, Two faggots don't make a right.
EL MANPURSE strikes again
Haha oh you silly Mindchamber, if the only things to make it to front page were things that deserved to be there, then I'd be out of a job :O
Grrr that rtil makes me so mad
Pig-Fart says:
holy fucken shit lmfao im just about dyin over here
Nah, you are better off drawing a hotly (in a little 14 year kid's opinion, not me because I don't jack off to anime characters) drawn, purple-headed girl who smokes cigarettes, wears a skimpy outfit, and then races in a city against some random red headed dude while redefining the laws of physics... and at the end, she wins the race and says "Nobody wins in this city..."
Can't wait for the second one though, it is pretty much your most popular work...
i don't really care what i'm better off making as i just animate what i feel like animating, but the rest of freetown has a script, story and characters and all that. it's not just racing and all this one-dimensional stuff. i can't wait until people finally understand that.