lol so true, so very true :)
please forgive your useless sister.
Joined on 2/27/05
lol so true, so very true :)
I totally agree with you rtil, all comedy that isn't made by you is of inferior quality.
that's what i said yessir
I was thinking of making fun of his death, but I couldn't think of anything funny.
lol bitter?
about what
mikel jaxon funniez cuming soon to a ng neer u
I have more important things to do other than stepping down to your level and responding; like playing Final Fantasy XII.
Bandwagons: lame
You: late
You are still: awesome
i'm not late
you are
man we won't hear the end of this for years to come
he's probably hanging out in space with elvis presley and marilyn manson
the whole colab sucks ass form a monkey's ass hole....
onley ur video stands out, it realy fucking loved it and i also think it is a realy waist to put it in such a peace of shit colab and you should repost it as a separate one
welcome to two newposts ago population you!
i was listening to don't think lover and your frog gif danced perfectly in time with it
i was very impressed!
Will you be my flash mentor?
then after FAME, the next stop is DEATH
death by giant kitty
you live in a pup tent
I was just dones with my Farrah Fawcett/Billy Mays one, I hopes I gets teh daily fifth!
That is so true.
I like how before his death, the cool thing to do was to talk about how crazy and child raping he was...
Now its like... "he was so misunderstood..." :P
96 is kinda like a 69, but doing it wrong..
I watched a anime called soul eatter, and i saw some of your art works and flashs, they look alike in some ways, which is why i wanted to ask you a simple question, did you help make soul eater? even though it is far from the topic.. of this frog.
i didn't work on soul eater nor have i ever seen it
i like that frog man.
wher'ed you find it etc.? I wanna know it's origin.
And thank god he was encased in cement i don't want him coming back as a zombie, no sir!