A fantastic twist on Minesweeper. There's a lot more to it than initially meets the eye. Hooked me until I beat it.
A fantastic twist on Minesweeper. There's a lot more to it than initially meets the eye. Hooked me until I beat it.
it's a cute game and i love that link's awakening aesthetic. i wanted to stay up on that cloud, it was nice.
This is very addicting, challenging, and punishing autochess game. While you are at the mercy of RNG in a lot of ways, refining your lanes and managing the hands you get dealt makes a big difference. After a lot of trial and error and finally beating this with hearts to spare, I'm not sure this is possible without spawners, but it's not like there's only one unit comp that works. This is the best kind of game in the sense that I wish there was more of it, but it's very good as it is.
Takes me back to this old dos game called the Lost Mind of Dr. Brain. great puzzles
i came in pant
This is a great game but I do think it's way too easy. However, for the time you had to do it, it's very impressive. This could be expanded upon and made in to something even better imo. Take it and run with it I say.
this gives me some Advance Wars vibes watching the little battles - a game i really miss. simple but fun!
Stylistically this game is really great. The music is also fantastic. But the biggest flaw to me is that there isn't much feedback from the game on how well you're hitting the arrows. It seems to be either hit or miss, rather than the grading scale from classical rhythm games like DDR, Beatmania, etc. And to me, that is the crux of the gameplay, and it doesn't feel very solid. If that was improved, this would be a 5/5 from me for sure.
well the rating scale based on how good is those lil popups, "SICK", 'GOOD' 'SHIT', but it can def be a bit more noticeable or whatever. Bless up rtil
Great simulator. I would love to see something like this on a bigger scale, but for what it is it's impressive and always keeps you busy with being as efficient as possible.
please forgive your useless sister.
Joined on 2/27/05