I simply envy that when you write long posts it's considered a considerably worthy personal and critical opinion.
However, everything I write is just over-dramatic crap.
I suck.
And I was disappointed to see that neither Egoraptor nor Tom Fulp have a reply anywhere in here.
All I spot for miles is bystanders shouting their opinions.
I suppose some props must go to them for not wanting to get involved in this.
While I understand what you're saying, Newgrounds isn't exactly the place for ideal animation. You're giving it way too much credit. To see the future for animation, you have to check out your Disneys, your pixars, and even your Studio Ghiblis. This place was pretty much created because Tom Fulp wanted a place to host his flash games of his characters killing kids or celebrities. Over the years it grew into what it is now. But you can never forget what it once was. People love to see things that they're familiar with, that's why many people like things with pop culture crammed into it. (Just look at Family Guy and Shrek for proof of that).
Sure, more original work would be great, but to crack under the pressure of parodies getting more attention then submitting and doing it is pretty pathetic. It should never be about how many viewers you get, it should be about who you entertain. Even if it's just one person, it's still worth it. The future of animation doesn't need people who do it just to get lots of fans. Making parodies is never going to become a full pledged career anyway. It might win them a few prizes here and there, but big woop. Basically, all I'm saying is, don't count on much of this stuff seeping off the internet. If you consider that it has with such cartoons like Family Guy that just steal pop culture references everywhere from books to the internet, then it's really not a big deal. In a few years, Family Guy will drown out of existence because it really has no sort of... what's the word... substance? It basically hasn't done anything revolutionary and it'll be ignored and forgotten. You've heard of Snow White, right? Sure you have, it was the first animated feature film. It's down in history. Ever heard of Dino Saucers? ... you probably have not. Because it didn't do anything to revolutionize animation and was pretty much washed out of history.
One more thing, if people REALLY want their original work to be successful, perhaps they should do more than ONE. Productivity= success. You think Disney, Studio Ghibli, Stephen King, and JK Rowling got noticed from just 1 work? They had to keep on working, cramming out more and more and more to really get noticed.
rtil (Updated )
Newgrounds may not be the ideal place, but it's the ONLY place for animators to really have any hope of getting started. I know what people love to see, but I also know what people didn't know they wanted to see - it's all over the place and it never gets a chance. I'm not talking about being popular or having lots of fans - i'm talking about giving a cartoon even the chance to reach its audience it never knew it could have. Newgrounds caters to an easy to get audience. I think this could be changed, and in turn give the video game parody people the same chance as anyone else to make their day. I know people who gave up animating because they never even had one person come back to say something about another piece of work they did. They weren't dying for popularity or anything, all they wanted was one person who knew they cared about what they created. And they never got it. That's messed up.